My Services


If you would like any individual advice please use the Contact page, but please be aware that tailored advice can only be provided following face to face or online assessment. If you live near to me I can come to you for a rider assessment, ideally including ridden analysis. We will then develop a plan to address and symmetry, strength and balance issues that are identified. As I am also a Veterinary Physiotherapist I am able to carry out a joint horse and rider assessment if this is indicated, or you feel it would be beneficial.


For general Physiotherapy for people, horses and dogs the best information can be found at

Face to face classes

Currently my face to face Pilates classes are not rider specific, due to logistics and childcare! However, I hope that I will be able to return to taking a rider group when life commitments change. In the meantime, please take a look at the Pilates Class page for all the details of my online rider group.

I often recommend using different equipment ‘consumables’, such as resistance bands, spiky balls and tape. You can buy direct from my regular supplier by clicking the button below.

Online Services

For free exercises and my expert advice, make sure to follow me on Instagram and Facebook (linked below), and make sure you bookmark my Shop page to be the first to know when I release any new online courses.

“Really enjoying the session, love the length of them because I can fit that into my day so easily.”