Post Natal Fitness For Riders


This course is a 12 week progressive programme for riders who have not experienced complications in pregnancy or childbirth, and is suitable to start within days of giving birth. If you have experienced any complications, including diastasis rectus abdominus or caesarean section, you must liaise with you Midwife, Physio or Consultant regarding when you are safe to start.


“To have a programme specifically designed to help riders while they continue to ride during pregnancy, or to help them prepare for getting back in the saddle post partum, is INVALUABLE.
I received a lot of reassurance knowing that the exercises provided in this course were not only safe, but unique in that they are targeting specifically towards equestrians!

Louise is a fountain of knowledge and being a Mum AND rider herself, I felt very safe following under her guidance.

The videos themselves are not too long (20-30 mins). They are very well delivered and Louise’s gentle but consistent reminders throughout really help you to focus yet at the end, you feel relaxed and like you have had a really good session of self care!

The videos have a good variation within them and so there will be a video to suit your mood on the day.

The exercises themselves work well together but I also found myself using some individual exercises throughout the day whenever I felt I needed them.

I felt that Louise really took notice of how women would be feeling as the weeks went on and as I got bigger and entered the 3rd trimester, I was very thankful that some of the exercises could be done while sitting, saving my feet!!!

Ultimately, this course has been so beneficial for me both physically and mentally & I really feel that thanks to this course, I am giving myself the best chance to feel well in the saddle post-partum.”